Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Letter from NY...

After the final episode of "Flavor of Love" aired New York posted a letter to her fans about how she felt about the situation. You can read some of it below, click the link to read the whole letter. As crazy, dramatic and over-the-top as New York is, I still like her. I don't know what it is, even through all of her psychotic, abnormal behavior, I like her. Check out the letter below...
...I realize many of you tuned in for the final episode last night and I can't help but feel so blessed to have your unconditional love and support. I can proudly say that NY fans are among the most intelligent, diverse, top-notch group of people out there.
Please remember that the taping of the final episode was 5 months ago, just like in Flavor of Love 1. I did have a little trip, but that was very short lived. For those of you who know my character, I am very calculating with my career and recover quite quickly from life's mishaps. Since Flavor of Love, I have moved on to even "bigger and better things". I am very excited about the secret projects that I have been working on these past months and I hope you guys will be there with me for the ride!
One thing is for sure. The love and support from my fans is so much more important to me than winning a reality TV show. I would rather be in my position right now than both of the winners from Flavor of Love 1 & 2. Making quick dollars through club promotions and hosting parties is not my cup of tea. I am more interested in the long haul and it is my intention to be around for a very long time.
There is a saying in life that goes "sometimes the winner isn't the one that walks away with the crown." This quote is very true for me, as you will all see in the coming months. [Thanks Amina]