Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Jen and Ben Are Expecting A Girl...

Jennifer Garner appeared on the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno and when she was refering to her baby, she used the word "she".
"You can just start to feel really pregnant. Like you are the hugest person on the face of the planet. … And then I felt just bigger and bigger like she …" Oops. Garner put both hands over her mouth.
So she didn't actually say 'we're expecting a girl' but the last time I checked, when you say "she", you are refering to a girl. Awww, I bet she (the baby) will be real cute. You can click on the link below to see the video from when Jennifer Garner "revealed" the gender. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, you can fast forward to when the time is at 7:00 minutes.Oh yeah, and since we're talking about Jennifer, I must say pregnancy suits her fine, she looks beautiful.

Click here to see Jennifer on the "Tonight Show"

ABC News


  1. that is great, lil girls r the best

  2. Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »
