Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Highpoint, NC Doesn't Care About Fantasia...

Well not exactly, but some people are really upset with her. In Fantasia's new book, "Life Is Not A Fairy Tale", she describes her hometown as a bad place to grow up. A couple from Highpoint is really upset at a lot of the things Fantasia says in her book about her hometown, so upset that they've created a website about it called "Fantasia Lies" (You can click the link below to visit their site). They are so upset that they want billboards with Fantasia pictured on them taken down.
In her book, Life is Not a Fairy Tale, the 21-year-old American Idol winner says she couldn't read after attending local schools and reveals that her friends used to call High Point the "Land of the Dead."

Frets Sandler, who with English has created a Web site to counter the book's descriptions: "I can see people driving in to (the furniture) market saying, 'Ha ha ha. Fantasia hates them but look at the signs saying 'Welcome to High Point, home of Fantasia Barrino.'"

On the website they say that Fantasia is lying about growing up in the ghetto with AC, and they even have a picture of Fantasia's alleged childhood home. They also have quotes from Fantasia that they say are lies and their "proof" that they are in fact lies.
