Every now and then I have random thoughts racing through my mind and right now my thoughts are about Eva Pigford. Am I the only person to notice that she is the only 'Next Top Model' to really have good modeling type jobs on a steady basis. I've actually seen her CoverGirl ads in magazines, she has an ad campaign with rapper Nelly's female clothing line 'AppleBottoms', she's been on the cover of magazines, she has a recurring role on the TV show 'Kevin Hill' (which stars Taye Diggs), and she is constantly out mingling with the stars. I may be wrong, but it seems like she is the only winner of 'Next Top Model' that actually has a chance a being a top model. But maybe I missing something, maybe the other girls (Adrienne, Johanna, and Naima) are working and I just haven't seen it. Maybe...
Magazine Covers


Johanna House is hosting a show on the Style Network. I think it is called the look for less. Now Adrien Curry, that bitch is just a mess. She's so desperate for fame, she's dating that old Brady
I thought the 'comments' made about Ms. Curry were just petty, small-minded and just plain wrong. Sure, I only saw them on a TV show but there's some small, pay-real-close-attention stuff that proves they had some mad feelings there. And if the WERE having problems, it was monumentally tacky for you to point this out, you jealous bitch (oops-did I say that???):):).Lauralynne
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