Tuesday, December 21, 2010

26 Times...

Coming from Richmond, VA hearing stories about young people being murdered over nonsense isn't uncommon. So when I heard about the 28 year old female and a male from New Orleans being murdered, it was very sad but the story didn't shock me. I've seen things like this happen time and time again and it's a shame. It's even hit close to my home. My mom's bestfriend's daughter was murdered some years back, along with a male friend. What was shocking to me about this story was that she was shot 26 times (according to some reports). The world has gone crazy. Another reason this story made the news is because the young lady that was murdered is popular New Orleans rapper Magnolia Shorty. She was formerly signed to Cash Money. You can read more on this story at the link below and check out some of her music. RIP Magnolia Shorty. We gotta stop the violence...

[Photo Credit]

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"... I Call It Shoe-acide."

It's snowing here and when snow comes to Richmond the whole city shuts down! They start closing stuff before the snow even gets a chance to start. I woke up this morning around 9 and there was absolutely no snow on the ground. I looked out the window an hour later and the ground was covered. So it's officially a snow day. The words "Snow Day" were way more exciting when I was in school. Now it just means I'm trapped in the house. I think this is gonna be a snowy winter so we need snow boots. Since I won't be doing anything outside the house today, I guess I'll take this time to look up some SHOES. I found a couple things I like, still looking around, click the picture for more info on what I already found. And since I quoted Fabolous and I think Amber Rose is fly as hell, his video for "She Be Killin' Em" is down there too. Oh yeah annnndddddd click the link to check out The Fashion Bomb. I think I'll probably spend most of my day looking there too. I love that site!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Got this on Repeat!

Soooo, I love making cd mixes for my friends to listen to in their cars. Everytime we go out the the club I try to have new music for us to listen to to get us hyped up for the club or whatever. Well today I heard Lil Wayne's "6 Foot 7 Foot" I swear this is my new sh*t, lol. Something about that beat! You can click the link to listen to it, plus some other songs I'm about to throw on the mix I'm making now. Oh yeah the picture below is Lil Wayne with his mama and lil brother Semaj (James backwards maybe?). I think this is my first time seeing his brother (I can't remember for sure) but he looks just like Lil Wayne! Anyway, click here to see more pictures. They're from Reginae's birthday dinner a lil while ago so you've probably already seen them, lol. I'm late...

My Cramp Survival Kit...

Ugh! I love EVERYTHING about being a girl except that one little thing that we just can't escape. I don't even have to say what it is because everybody knows what I'm talking about. My first day is the worst day so I'm gonna try to just stay in bed for most of the day. But there are a few things that I have to have on deck to help me make it through. I have BCs (for obvious reasons). Most of my friends hate the powder but I like how fast they start working. I have a Red Bull because they take away my headaches. My laptop to keep me from getting bored while I'm trapped in bed and the most important of them all... MY HEATING PAD. I swear that thing is a miracle worker. So today is gonna be just one of them days that Monica was talking about... STAY AWAY!! :)

I'm A Little Obsessed with...

Patricia Field and LTTP

Every night I say I'm going to bed early because I don't want to end up with permanent bags under my eyes and I end up staying up all night doing stuff like watching different YouTube videos, playing Jewel Quest or looking at clothes online. It's becoming quite ridiculous actually, lol. I'm like a baby fighting their sleep. Anyway, tonight for the past hour or so I've been looking over the Patricia Field site adding "Christmas Gifts" for myself to my shopping cart. I first fell in love with her stuff after I saw Rocsi wearing her Field Salutes Sprouse Club Skirt (seen below on the model on the left and as I wore it on the right). I saw a bunch of stuff I want to order but I gotta narrow my list down because unlike everybody on Diamond's "Lotta Money" remix, I have to spend my money wisely, lol. You can see some of the stuff that I found tonight below...
Oh yeah, I forgot I did mention Diddy Dirty Money's "Last Train to Paris" as one of the things I'm obsessed with it as well. I'm too sleepy to give my review of it, lol. But I'm loving it! Listen to it when you get a chance. Good shopping music:) Good Night!!